Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yellow Buttermilk Cupcakes-- Gone Wild!

Mindy's Funfetti Version
So by now I have decided that Martha isn't too creative when naming her cupcakes. This week's title is no different. The cupcake gets its yellow color from the 5 (FIVE!) eggs, plus 3 more egg yolks (the yellow part of the egg- just clarifying for you amateurs out there). The buttermilk part comes from 2 whole cups (which is basically the whole friggin' carton) of buttermilk. So there you have it, Yellow Buttermilk Cupcakes. My first impression of the recipe was that this week was going to be boring. If you know anything about me, you know that I don't really do well with boring. So, in honor of my good friend's birthday, and because I wanted to change it up a bit, I turned this weeks Yellow Buttermilk cupcakes into Yellow Buttermilk Funfetti Cupcakes. Martha's recipe gone wild, if you will. After confirming, via Google, that adding sprinkles to the batter would make these cupcakes more fun, I turned to page 26 and began my no-longer-boring baking mission. 

Since I'm still trying to get rid of the Carrot Cupcakes from last week, I decided it was probably best to halve this week's recipe, which Martha says makes 36 cupcakes. If you've been paying attention to my cupcake stats, you know that 36 in Martha's world, means about 42 in mine. I diligently revert back to 3rd grade math and start converting the recipe to be 1/2 of what Martha says. Quiz: find half of 3/4 of a teaspoon, and then tell me you have a teaspoon that measures that. (It's about 1/3 teaspoon, which could be do-able but kinda crazy.) I continue halving and mixing and creaming butter and sugar when I start cracking eggs and adding and mixing after each addition-- like Martha says. I realize on egg no. 5 that I wasn't supposed to add all 5 eggs, but only 2 1/2 (half, seriously?). A few F words later, I'm creaming another batch of butter and sugar and adding it to whatever I've got going on in my bowl. So much for halving this week. I add both types of flour (cake and regular) and the rest of what Martha says, like a robot following directions exactly. Then I get to the fun part, sprinkles! I'm adding my sprinkles-- which my friend, who's enjoying cheese and wine, assures me that you can never have "too many"-- so I go a little overboard. The batter filled up 24 cupcakes and I make the executive decision to fill up two round cake pans. Again, changing it up a bit. 

It's my week to host the weekly college-friend-get-together so as the cupcake smell fills my apartment, my friends shuffle in. We make homemade pizzas, gossip and drink wine. They watch as I frost the birthday cake, which is for a different night-- Ugh so popular! (kidding)--Turns out to be a wonderful night. The best part was seeing them eat the fresh cupcakes and see how they liked them. You know you have good friends when they can give you honest feedback. I learned, and agreed, that the frosting was too sugary on it's own- because we all tried it out of the bowl, duh. Maybe next time I'll start on the wine after I'm done making the frosting. Oh well, this week was all about going wild, right?
Happy Birthday Colleen!
Cupcake Stats: 
Martha says this recipe makes 36, it made me: 24 cupcakes and a small 2 layered cake!
WW points: 4 for cupcake, 2 for frosting (if made according to the recipe....)